Key Benefits and Main Trends of Mobile Healthcare Apps Development

Abto Software
5 min readFeb 7, 2022


The COVID-19 pandemic stimulated a significant increase in the healthcare mobile app development industry, which reached an all-time high of $326.1 billion in 2021. Furthermore, it is expected to reach $821.1 billion by 2026 with a CAGR of 20.3 percent.

When it comes to the development and the usage of mHealth apps, they have a bunch of benefits both for healthcare providers and patients. But what tendencies should you look out for in the coming years to get the best of it? Let’s find out!

Key benefits of mobile healthcare apps

All mobile healthcare applications have their own set of unique features. However, we can point out the 4 main advantages of such solutions:

1. Easier access to medical professionals

Usage of mobile healthcare apps provides a set of functions for patients to consult with healthcare practitioners and schedule appointments on the go. Customers can also use mobile applications to participate in telemedicine visits with their doctors. This helps to decrease the time it takes to receive care from healthcare facilities from several hours to just a few minutes.

2. Remote patient monitoring

In the healthcare industry, monitoring remote patients that require constant attention has always been a challenge. This was the case even before the COVID pandemic, which significantly compounded the problem. Smartwatches and fitness trackers are examples of wearable devices that can help in this process. These devices can constantly record and deliver various patient information when they’re connected with mobile applications. As a result, healthcare providers are able to efficiently monitor patients in the interval between visits without putting patients at risk.

3. Improved medication adherence

One of the most serious challenges in treating patients with chronic diseases is poor medication adherence. Healthcare practitioners are unable to accurately monitor whether patients are taking their medications on schedule. This is where mobile healthcare apps help. Refill reminders and medication notifications can be sent automatically. Additionally, these applications come with a lot of medical information. This can help patients understand the necessity of taking their medications correctly and in time.

4. Better management and interaction within healthcare organizations

The development of mobile healthcare apps allows for huge improvements in communication within healthcare institutions. These solutions can include a variety of valuable features, such as:

  • messages and communication;
  • appointments scheduling;
  • access to medical information;
  • appointments history.

Furthermore, a healthcare mobile app can alert doctors of patient hospital admissions and discharges in a timely manner.

Top healthcare mobile app development trends

Rapid technological advancement affects every industry. And this is how new trends appear each year. Let’s take a look at what you should watch in mobile healthcare app development in 2022 and ahead:

Internet of Things (IoT)

As technology advances, IoT becomes indispensable in the healthcare sector. IoT devices can interact with mobile monitoring or lifestyle apps. They’re using direct access to the internet to exchange data. There are no interactions between humans or humans and computers throughout this data transit. A good example of an IoT gadget is a fitness band that counts taken steps.

The use of blockchain

Blockchain will play a significant role in the coming years and is projected to become one of the most popular trends. Its ability to protect data from harmful attacks and hacking attempts may become indispensable. This is critical in healthcare because of the need to safeguard patients’ sensitive data. Furthermore, blockchain eliminates the need to purchase extra data-protection tools which help to cut costs.

Telemedicine usage

Telemedicine had already begun to emerge a few years ago. However, during the pandemic, its popularity has exploded. It not only makes patient visits way more convenient but also saves time. Telemedicine can also be useful in situations when a patient requires immediate assistance.


Patient-generated health data (PGHD) is a good way to keep monitoring a patient’s health without requiring continual medical attention. It enables people to keep track of and update their medical records (symptoms, history of diseases, etc.). As a result, it emerges a complete picture of the patient’s health. The app can also alert the patient to seek medical help. Thus, healthcare providers are able to monitor a greater number of patients and give appropriate care.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a rapidly developing trend in healthcare, with an estimated market value of $64.7 billion by 2025.

As one of the most data-intensive industries, healthcare facilities may find that storing all data in the cloud is the best approach. The cloud offers nearly limitless computation and storage capacity. In addition, practitioners are able to access all the medical records, insurance, payment information, and more in seconds.

Furthermore, the cloud allows users to access and share data from almost anywhere on the planet in a speedy and safe manner. This, in turn, helps patients to be informed about their therapy and health status.

Wrap Up

The healthcare industry is becoming more reliant on mHealth solutions. Apps for remote monitoring, clinical and diagnostics applications are examples of mobile apps that assist practitioners to improve care for their patients. Furthermore, such solutions can help deliver prompt services or consultation, allowing more patients to prevent potential health risks.

Require assistance in implementing of mHealth apps? Get in touch today. We’re already developed numerous healthcare solutions for our clients.

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