Advantages of ASP.NET Core for web development

Abto Software
5 min readJun 17, 2021


ASP.NET Core is a free web framework from Microsoft released in June 2016. Basically, it’s an open-source version of ASP.NET. The framework united into a single programming model ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API that was previously separated. It is a cross-platform framework.

We can use this framework for developing web applications, console or desktop applications that can be deployed in any operating system. Also, this framework is a Cloud environment for development and deployments.

The popularity of ASP.NET Core keeps growing. According to BuiltWith’s data, in the top 1 million websites there were 1750 resources written on ASP.NET Core at the beginning of 2020. In one year, this number reached over 4200 websites.

Improved performance

Quality of application performance is one of the main factors to consider while choosing a framework for web app development. ASP.NET Core is much faster than ASP.NET MVC ever was. The framework also shows significant results comparing to other technologies. The system automatically optimizes compiled code to improve performance.

According to Microsoft, ASP.NET Core can handle over 7 million requests per second. At the same time, Java Servlet can work only with 2.17 million requests, Node.JS — with less than 700 thousand.

Support of cross-platform

When working on your application development, it is more than important to make sure that your app will work equally good on any platform. ASP.NET Core is cross-platform and will run perfectly on Windows, Linux, and Mac as well as on all devices. The system is flexible and allows developers to choose any OS for their convenience.

Lesser code

The quality of an application relies on the quality of its code. In ASP.NET Core developers can write much lesser statements. Which, in turn, lead to easier code structure and less coding. For business, it makes application development more cost-effective. For developers, it gives more control of the process and simplifies debugging.

Easier maintenance

As a logical result of the previous advantage, less code is much easier to maintain. Developers can optimize their code in ASP.NET Core as they need and significantly save time on app maintenance when it will be required.

Support of cloud-based web application development

ASP.NET Core offers different types of application development and cloud-based web apps among them. This approach will be perfect for enterprises and businesses that are ready to scale. Cloud-based development gives web applications a lot of benefits such as flexibility, accessibility across devices, easier integrations with other systems, data protection, and more.

Razor pages

Razor Pages are new in ASP.NET Core. That is a page-based coding model that helps developers to create better web UI. It simplifies managing app pages as every page has its own view and codes. It makes apps more organized and simplifies deployment.

Dependency injection support

Dependency injection support is used for integration design into an application. With it, ASP.NET Core gives web app developers improved testability and extensibility. They no longer need to use third-party frameworks to integrate needed design into an app.

MVC Architecture

MVC architecture improves the efficiency of developers’ work and steeply increase the quality of the final result. With MVC architecture, developers can code, compile, test any aspect of the application they are working on. MVC architecture allows making web applications highly secure and free of errors.

Support of popular JavaScript frameworks

ASP.NET Core offers build-in templates of the most popular JavaScript Frameworks such as Angular and React. Developers can start work on a new app without additional preparations. It makes building user interfaces or UI components, templating, modularization, RESTful API handling, etc. more convenient and faster.


Open-source is mean that any ASP.NET Core expert has an access to framework code and repositories on GitHub. All .NET Core communities can work on technology improvement and modify it for their web app development needs. Getting the best from ASP.NET Core, developers are able to create the best web solutions.


.NET Core offers a default internal server for every ASP.NET Core web application. It called Kestrel and enable running ASP.NET Core apps on any platform like Windows, Mac or Linux. Also, it’s lightweight and supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

Better security

ASP.NET Core has built-in features that allow developers to create highly secure web applications. With the technology, it is easier to maintain HTTPS enforcement, XSRF/CSRF prevention, authentication, authorization, and data protection.

Rapid development

Rapid Development is perfect for projects that need to be released in a short span of time (2–3 months). That is the development model where more attention is given to development tasks and prototyping than to the planning.

The model is flexible and adaptable to changes, reduce the overall project risk, manual coding and errors. Rapid application development model can easily be used for ASP.NET Core.


Along with good performing results, ASP.NET Core-based web applications are advantaged in scalability. That means that the app’s API can deal with more concurrent requests before it slows down. Scalability is very important for business because, if you get it wrong, it can bite the revenues and, worse yet, hit the reputation of the company.

As simple as it may sound, a website that is slow to respond may take customers off to a competitor. Similarly, a website that collapses when too many people connect will impact the revenues and reputation of the company, not to mention making your business vulnerable to claims for liability. ASP NET Core has all components to make your site scalable.

Better portability

Portability can significantly reduce costs for web development. ASP.NET Core allows moving apps easily between servers and be independent of any single service provider. A different number of developers can work on the application at the same time.


ASP.NET web application development was popular for a long time thanks to the reliability and stability of the technology. But today, the framework is no longer in support. It was replaced by up-to-date ASP.NET Core that offers developers a lot of advantages.

ASP.NET Core has significantly improved performance and scalability. It supports cross-platform development and needs less code and maintenance. Web applications that were built on ASP.NET Core are more secure and easily portable.

If you want to utilize ASP.NET Core advantages for your web application — contact Abto Software. We are certified developers with good experience in web development and ready to use our knowledge for your project.



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